A dream in the drawer that i kept from my 23 years, my home n Luxor in west bank, that from 01 january 2019, it became reality.

Any day here it appears, .....absolutely perfect..... Immagine my happiness!

I could not belive it!

My vision was reality. And then the transfer to Luxor. Tha much dreamed jump. My soul was dancing, finally i come bak home.

Here i don't need anything, i have everything, because everything is inside me. I sit in my garden with ''Ra'' that illuminates all, and i feel the scent of desert, i feel the energy that surrounds me with love and speak with me.

I create this place out of respect for energy, where I can welcome the souls who trust and want to find their essence on their way, and rely i my paths.

It is always an honor to be able to acompany you on your pats.

The house of Ra is located in a sacred area, surronded to temples and the magical King valley, exactly in the encounter between desert and fertile fields,where energy and hamony reign supreme, where oly beng, feeling and letting it happen is enough.

Love is t home here.

Cerimony, spiritual contacts and sciamanic arts in the House of Ra, Here we will find all what your soul needs.

Ra has always been my bean, the Sun, the life, This is the land of life, you can feel it on your arrival.

i await you in this much-dreamed place, a great gift received

With Love